Thursday, July 17, 2008

My very first blog!

Wow, my very first blog. I don't know what to say. It's not that I don't have anything to say, it's that I don't know where to begin!

I am so looking forward to the weekend. I'll be going back up to YW camp and hanging out with all the girls than I'll be taking home Shawny and Brandy. I miss them. Sheldon is not the same without them around either. Ha ha.

Last night I wrote a new song. It's called, "When You Walk With God". I have the base for it but still need to work on the chorus a little. I love song writing. It's expressing your feelings out loud, live and in person. Why keep a song in your heart? Share it, sing it and sing it loud! Since my daughter has started writing her own music, I told her that singer/sonwriters are the ones that are courageous enough to expose their own passions/feelings/thoughts and innermost parts of their hearts! Singers are just that-singers. A singer/songwriter, that is brave enough to share their own music gets MUCH more respect from me!

The world needs more love. Well, I'm at work so I need to go now.
Peace to you and yours, and Dare to LIVE your dreams!


Coralee... said...

HEY SISTAH! I'm so glad that you started a blog (I hate that word, lol). I LOVE reading about your CRAZY life! I know your off at the coast having a blast right now! Lucky! Love ya!

Lynnette Beatty said...

Lana... It's been fun to read your blog. I love to hear what you are doing. I wish I could hear your new song. You are so talented!
Your friend... Lynnette